Saturday, August 31, 2019

Legal perspective on Human Trafficking

Hence, â€Å"censorship† would be referred as an act, policy, decree to censor the Eddie. Censorship has always take an important role in history that deemed to suppress freedom of expression across different era. Early signs of censoring could be traced back into ancient societies. For instance, following the well-known story of Socrates being sentenced to drink poison during Greek empire, the Romans has treated censorship as an honorable task and recognized Its importance In shaping individual characteristics.On the other hand, looking Into the current China, there Is no surprise that the 1st China censorship law can be recorded as early as DADDY. Censorship is served for different purposes across the time-line of human 1 5th century, which is in contrast towards another purpose of enhancing the influence of Soviet Socialist Republic in Russian empire during 20th century. Its reasoning could be depending on nature of authority and its relation with citizens as well as the va lues of society itself.Despite the past is shadowed by censorship, demagnification of societies in modern days have become the cornerstone in realizing freedom of expressions. Countries in northern Europe, such as Sweden are frontiers that has made attempt to abolish censorship through introducing a law that guarantees freedom of press in 1766, which followed by Denmark-Norway in 17708. Meanwhile, the enforcement of first Amendment of the Constitution of the United States (1787) is regarded as the root of the comprehensive protection on freedom of expressions.However, in Malaysia context, censorship has remained upon today as important tools to 1 Oxford University Press, Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary (7th Eden, POP 2005) 237. 2 Oxford, Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary (n 1) 3 Meet Newt, ‘The long history of censorship' (Beacon for freedom, 2010) accessed November 2013. 4 Newt, ‘The long history of censorship' (n 3) 5 ibid 6 Army . Taft, ‘Censorship of film , broadcast and Internet' (Bibliophile Alexandrine, 2004) accessed 26 October 2013. Newt ‘The long history of censorship' (n 3); Sheldon S. Woolen, Politics and Vision: Continuity and Innovation in Western Political Thought (Princeton University Press, 2004) 8 Newt ‘The long history of censorship' (n 3) 9 ibid control and regulate various media to ensure there is no illicit materials to be spread among society. As a result, various Free Speech institutions have regarded Malaysia s a low scorer in freedom of expression.In fact, extensive censorship legislations are still enforced to regulate the As a result, various Free Speech institutions have regarded Malaysia as a low scorer in freedom of information received 1 . Due to large variety of media available, this assignment would only focus on evaluating the censorship restrictions on printing press and publication in Malaysia, particularly books, articles and printed news. Assessment will be conducted in basis of the exte nt of power, conflicts with freedom of expression as well as it effect on affected businesses. 0 Censorship in Malaysia Malaysia has fallen by 23 places to its historical lowest of 14th in 2013 because the access to information has becoming more and more limited. Within the Printing press and publication industry in Malaysia (Refer 3. 0), related parties would be subjected to few legislations enacted by government to administer the (PAPA) (Act 301) is a direct legal enforcement specifically implemented for printed media. Besides that, Sedition Act 1948 are frequently applied when dealing with dispute of censorship in printed media.On the other hand, freedom of expression offered in Judicial systems is available under Article 10 in Constitution of Malaysia. 2. 1 Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984 (Act 301) (PAPA) Its former self is known as Printing Ordinance 1948, which is introduced by British colonial government into Malaysia during the beginning of state of emergency to co unteract the threat on the establishment arising from the Communist activities 3.Subsequently, the act becomes Printing Presses and publication act at year 1971 via amendments and incorporation of Imported Publications Act 1958 (Act 63) to prevent the provocation of racial sensitivities after the race riots 0 Freedom House, ‘Malaysia' (Freedom House, 2012) accessed 22 October 2013 1 1 Article 19, Malaysia: Joint submission to the UN universal periodic review' (Article 19, 11 March 2013) accessed 12 October 2013 12 Reporters without borders, ‘2013 World press freedom index: dashed hopes after spring' (Reporters without borders, 2013) accessed 22 October 2013 13 Jimmy, ‘The Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 (PAPA)' (CUE, 25 September 2010) accessed 10 October 2013 14 ibid of 196914. Further amendments are made to enhance the power of legislation and become today's Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984 (Act 301). The general purpose of the act is punitive measure to public immaturity, potential racial conflict, and national security.It has reconciled the use of printing process, the printing, production, reproduction and distribution of publications, and the importation of publication from abroad 5. Within the Act, there are few notable sections that greatly expand the power of censorship as well as the responsibility of Minister, which are shown as below: Figure 1: Assessment on specific proviso in PAPAYA Section 3 – internal security Minister (Minister of home affairs) has absolute secretion in granting or refuses; revoke or suspended a license at any time and reasons, for a limited period. The common practices under this section are to issue license annually. Along with granting a license, minister may impose additional conditions such as deposits, which may be forfeited when an offence under the Act is committed.Section AAA – Juridical parties do not have any powers in questioning the decisions made by minister. Se ction 7(1)- Home Affairs Minister has the qualification to ban the publication of any book. The provision does not provide a clear and objective reasons on possible bans: publication which he is satisfied contains any article, caricature, photograph, report, notes, writing, sound, music, statement or any other thing which is likely to be prejudiced to public order, morality, security, the relationship with any foreign country or government, or which is likely to alarm public opinion, or which is likely to be contrary to any law or is otherwise prejudicial or is likely prejudicial to public interest or national interest. 5 caps, Media Freedom (CAPS, 3 June 2013) accessed 21 October 2013 16 corny, ‘The Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 (n 13) Article 8(1) – minister had the secretion to define offences through classifying it as publishing malicious â€Å"false news†. Action will take on any press outlet or publication when their writings are deemed as not taking â€Å"reasonable measures† to verify the truth of the news. Article 8 has been used frequently on critics, which successfully invoked against, 1998 – Limit Guan Eng (from TAP), for his criticism of the statutory rape case involving former Malice Chief Minister, Ihram Thumb Chick. 2003 – Irene Fernando (activist), for exposing the maltreatment of illegal migrant workers in detention camps. However the conviction was overturned on technicality in 2008 2005 – Khalid's Safari, who authored the book 50 Dali Meaning Inward Taiga Bole Jade PM 2. Malaysian Sedition Act 1948 The Sedition Act is enacted along with PAPA in 1948, serving similar purposes with PAPAYA. It is deemed to be copy of Sir James Stephens definition of what is and what is not seditious during British collaborations. Despite the communist insurgency has ended, but the Sedition Act continues to be used with full force today. As the 513 incident occurred in 1969, amendments were made throu gh Emergency Ordinance 971 to criminals any doubts noon: Part Ill (on citizenship), Article 152 (on national language), Article 153 (on the special positions of the Malay and the rights of other races) and Article 181 (the Rulers' sovereignty) of the Federal Constitution.Theoretically, sedition should be defined as the crime of revolting or inciting revolt against government or support for an enemy of a country during war time through speeches, publications or 17 curry, ‘The sedition Act 1948' (CUE, 25 September 2010) 10 October 2013 18 Adman, ‘The Sedition Act (1948)' Malaysia Today (Malaysia, 23 May 2013) accessed 21 October 013 19 Jellybean Anthony, ‘Seditious tendency? : political patronizing of free October 2013 20 US legal, ‘Sedition law & legal definition' (US legal, 2013) accessed 11 October 2013 organizational, but sedition does includes conspires to disrupt the legal operation of the government, protest government policy and is beyond expression of an opinion. However, the act is known to favors the prosecutor; meanwhile, many restrictions are imposed on freedom of expression, particularly regarding sensitive political issues. Notably, seditious would not Just to be deemed as a legal but also a lattice issue.Figure 2: Proviso extracts from Sedition Act 194822 In Section 3, seditious tendency is referred as: – to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against any Ruler or government. – to seek alteration other than by lawful means of any matter by law established. – to bring hatred or contempt to the administration of Justice in the country – to raise discontent or disaffection amongst the subjects – to promote ill-will and hostility between races or classes to question the provisions of the Constitution dealing with language, citizenship, the special privileges of the Malay and of the natives of Saba and Karakas and the sovereignty of the rulers. In Section 4(1), it covers th e: -preparation of an action, which would have â€Å"a seditious tendency'. Speech and the printing, publishing, selling (or offering for sale), distribution, reproduction or importation of seditious materials. 2. 3 Freedom of Expression under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia As extracted: Figure 3: Extract of Article 1023 1 . Subject to Clauses (2), (3) and (4) † (a) every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression; (b) all citizens eave the right to assemble peaceably and without arms; (c) all citizens have the right to form associations. 21 Adman, ‘The sedition Act (1948)' (n 18) 22 corny, ‘The sedition Act 1948' (n 17) 23 Jimmy, ‘Article 10 of the Federal Constitution' (CUE, 24 September 2013) accessed 10 October 2013 2.Parliament may by law impose † on the rights conferred by paragraph (a) of Clause (1), such restrictions as it deems necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of the Federation or any pa rt thereof, friendly relations with other countries, public order or morality and extinctions designed to protect the privileges of Parliament or of any Legislative Assembly or to provide against contempt of court, defamation, or incitement to any offence; on the right conferred by paragraph (b) of Clause (1), such restrictions as it deems necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of the Federation or any part thereof, or public order; on the right conferred by paragraph (c) of Clause (1), such restrictions as it deems necessary or expedient in the interest of the security of the Federation or any part thereof, public order or morality. 1) may also be imposed by any law relating to labor or education. 4. In imposing restrictions in the interest of the security of the Federation or any part thereof or public order under Clause (2) (a), Parliament may pass law prohibiting the questioning of any matter, right, status, position, privilege, sovereignty or prerogative establi shed or protected by the provisions of Part Ill, Article 152, Article 153 or Article 181 otherwise than in relation to the implementation thereof as may be specified in such law. Dry.Shad Salem Affair stated that the ‘freedom' under this article is fairly weak, armorial due to â€Å"Sensitive Matters Amendment†24 that allowed parliament to enforce restrictions on eight grounds – ‘public order, national security, incitement and offence, friendly relations with other states, contempt of court, contempt of Parliament, defamation, morality'25. From other perspective, it is perceived that ‘freedom' has already been weakened during drafting stage, which subsequently failed to ensure any restriction imposed on fundamental liberties are ‘reasonable' inside the final drafted. 24 ibid (n 23) 25 Shad Salem affair, ‘Much to cheer in book ban decision' The Star (Malaysia, 10 February 2010) accessed 22 October 2013 26 Jimmy, ‘Article 10 of the Fed eral Constitution' (n 23) 2. 4 Analysis: violation on freedom of expression caused by censorship The implementation of PAPA is mainly used in dealing with licensing of publications.Under this act, much discretion power has been given to the minister to administer the contents that are allowed to be published. Although implementation of licensing on print media do not breach freedom of expression under international laws, but it is subjected to criteria below: 1 . There is no discretion to refuse license, once the requisite information has been revived; 2. The system does not impose substantive conditions upon the print media; 3. The system is not excessively onerous; and 4. The system is administered by a body which is independent of government. Obviously, PAPA are not qualified to meet criteria above as referred to its section 3, 7(1), 9(1) and AAA.International law would also allow restrictions on freedom of expression, yet it only applicable under conditions that such restriction s are provided by law, whereby the law should be accessible and not excessively vague. In contrast with international laws, Centre of independence Journalism (CUE) expressed that many he international test regarding restrictions on freedom of expression. Figure 4: International test on Sedition Act 194830 Firstly, the crime of sedition in Malaysia is extremely ambiguous to meet the standard. Both â€Å"sedition† and â€Å"seditious tendency' are loosely defined and subjective terms such as â€Å"hatred†, â€Å"contempt†, â€Å"discontent†, â€Å"feelings of ill-will† and â€Å"disaffection† are used without any precise definition.Secondly, in legitimacy test states that restrictions are only permitted on basis of fundamental right for the purpose of protecting certain aims, namely the rights or petitions of 28 Toby Mendel, Restricting Freedom of Expression: Standards and Principles (Centre for Law and Democracy, 16 September 2010) accessed 25 October 2013 29 Article 19, ‘Memorandum on the Malaysian sedition act 1948' (Article 19, July 2003) accessed 1 November 2013 30 Jimmy, ‘The Sedition Act 1948' (n 17); Article 19, ‘Memorandum on the Malaysian sedition act 1948' (n 29) others, national security or public order (order public), or public health or morals. Restrictions merely based on incidentally effect one of the legitimate aims listed would be regarded as insufficient. Lastly, for the necessity test, restrictions only can be permitted on legitimate objectives, which needs to be proportionate to outweighs the harms on freedom of expression or Justified by the benefits accrued.There should be no rational relationships found between maintaining the public order and the crime of sedition. In fact, public order could suffers when governments are shielded from criticism. In short, both Sedition Act and PAPA are crowned with considerable power to administer printed media as it's granted with excessive di scretion and its border of supremacy is further expanded with the supports from ambiguous proviso. The restrictions imposed in Malaysia are mainly targeted at the freedom of expression, unlike the international practices of restricting the restrictions that restrict the freedom of expression. Unfortunately, Article 10 does not voice out the ‘true' freedom as it is bound to restrictive measure that stipulated in so, 3 and 431.Observations show that the statements applied in these provisions share a similarity to what was written in Sedition Act. As a result, both Sedition Act and PAPA do not conflict with the constitution of Article 10, which make both legislations are legally Just in dealing tit freedom of expression. However, the legally equitable would only remain within the plain text of legislation. Proof. Dry. Andrew Aerie stated that mainstream media, such as print media have failed in their roles to inform and educate the public as well as interrogating the powered, whi ch basically caused by the ‘equitable' Sedition Act and PAPA. He further stated that civilized society recognize human beings as sentinels who are by authoritarian laws.Malaysia's authoritative censorship have been infamous across internationals, treated as an infringement against the motto of United Nation (UN) charter and the f the Federal Constitution' (n 23) 31 corny, ‘Article 10 32 Borneo post, ‘Abolish printing press and publication act' (Borneo Post, 1 April 2011) accessed 18 October 2013 33 Borneo post, ‘Abolish printing press and publication act' (n 2) 34 Lee shih-Ian, ‘UN tells Malaysia to abolish death penalty, respect religious practices and human rights' The Malaysian Insider (Malaysia, 25 October 2013) accessed 1 November 2013 35 Lee shih-Ian (n 34) universal declaration of human right. Prime Minister has been urged by United States and other UN members to keep his promise in abolishing these restrictive laws. ) A political cartoonist Gull ible Inward Haste, also known as Suzan is frequent target of Home Affair Ministry for his political sensitive works. Police have seized dozens copies of his book on the accusation of â€Å"prejudicial to public order† under Sedition Catch. Several compilations of his cartoons are banned too under PAPA ruling.Suzan has attempted to counter-attack by filing a Judicial review along with Malaysian, but the High Court in Koala Lump upheld the ban in July 201137. Again, Suzan challenged the government on the Sedition Act in later years and unsurprisingly received a lost. II) Historically, the Sedition Act has been invoked on those critical of the government, including the capability to suspend members of parliament's parliamentary immunity. As recent as year 2009, the law has been one of the main measures used to arrest those opposed to the BAN takeover of the Perk state governmental. Ill) Journalists will be sentenced for publishing â€Å"false news† under PAPA, but if both PAPA and Sedition couldn't dampen criticism, officials can resort to curb it with very powerful Internal Security Act.Government claims it is encourage self-censorship among Journalists. V) In Memorandum by Malaysian Demanding Press Freedom 2010, 3 out of 8 major violation of Press Freedom in past 52 weeks are related to print media, which includes: 1) â€Å"Inaccurate Report† by â€Å"China Press† on ‘Gasp resignation, which is clarified that its retirement is at September. 2) A New Publication Guidelines for Newspapers are elaborated but ambiguously worded 36 Bob Dietz, ‘No Joke: Malaysian October 2013. 37 ibid (n 36) 38 Report without borders, ‘Another court sides with Malaysian government against political cartoonist' (IBEX, 12 November 2013) accessed 16 November 2013. 9 Jimmy, The sedition Act 1948†² (n 17) 40 Bob Dietz, ‘No Joke: Malaysian cartoonist stands up to government' (n 36) 41 Margin, ‘Stop political intervention, self- censorship in media industry' (Lira, 10 June 2010) accessed 3 November 2013 guidelines were framed as â€Å"self-regulation†. The newspapers were reportedly instructed not to cover news related to cohabitation, adultery, homosexuality, counter-culture; and no graphics of human genitalia and G-strings. 3) Confiscation of Books l) â€Å"Malaysian Maverick: Mathis Mohammad in Turbulent Times† were confiscated and anted for short periods, contends that the fourth prime minister was responsible for losses of OROMO billion during his term in office. II) â€Å"Where Is Justice† and â€Å"1 Funny Malaysia† – published by â€Å"Malaysian† while written and drawn by Suzan.Regardless of all these issues, courts' decisions and their interpretation on both legislations remained as the primary references in evaluating the extent of freedom of expression. Entities are often being charged under both PAPA and Sedition Act by the public prosecutor for any pr inted article that regarded as unacceptable. In the ease of Public Prosecutor v Pun Chin Chignon , where the supreme court held that â€Å"false news† will not be Justified under Section 8(1) if the accused are capable to prove its efforts in verifying the truth of the news. Otherwise, freedom of expression would be restricted under Article 10(2)(a) if breached against section 8(1). In a similar case of Deputy Public Prosecutor of Malaysia v.Irene Fernando, its publication of report entitled â€Å"Abuse, Torture and Diminished Conditions of Migrant Workers in Detention Centers† are charged under Section 8 (1) of PAPA as well. Mrs†¦ Urine's civil sights are restricted as the court condemned that the reports are providing maliciously false information. It is only to be reversed by High Court Judge Mohammad Panic All after the 13 years old court battle. Both cases have illustrated that extensive proofs are needed to escape from the restrictive measures raised by the prosecutor under PAPA. Besides that, in the case Limit Guan Eng v Public Prosecutor, the appellant (Limit Guan Eng) is charged under both PAPA and Sedition Act regarding two different issues.The ‘false news' distributed in the form of pamphlet is upheld by court as luscious information, due to the fact that 19941 MAMMAL 42 43 The public eye awards, ‘Irene Fernando' (The public eye awards, 2009) accessed 28 October 2013 44 Fide, ‘Ms. Irene Fernando finally acquitted! ‘ (fled, 25 November 2008) accessed judge has chosen the dictionaries that defined the key term ‘mangos debarkation' that in favors of Section 8(1). Besides, the court clarified that protection will not be accorded to anyone charged under the Sedition Act [Article 63(4)], which overthrown the Article 63 (1) & (2). Appellant are unable to rely on reasonable efforts in verifying the truth as the Judge relied on Record of Parliamentary Debates of the House of Representatives as admissible evid ence to ascertain this issue.For the charge on Sedition Act, appellant loses his ground as Judgment favors the statement of KIP Stanley Lie made, which is corroborated by two other police officer, Karri Budding and Inspector Look Yoke Choc. Appellant are not able to prove that statement as uncorroborated. It is key evidence in determining whether the appellant's speech contained seditious words regarding the non-prosecution of an ledge rape case involving Tan Sir Ihram Thumb Chick. According to Melanin bin Abdullah & Nor v Public Prosecutor, the case has illustrated a circumstances where the publisher has a clear sign of opposing both constitutions and sedition acts.Tutu's Namely as a newspaper publisher has published a talk given by prominent Malay leader and Member of Parliament with the sub-heading of ‘Abolish Tamil or Chinese medium schools in this country'. The outrageous statements, has breached several provisions that enacted to protect public order and racial stability . Without any dissent, the court held the news as editions under Sedition Act so(1)(f) in accordance with violation of Article 152 (l)(a) & (b). Besides that, Article 10 so is applicable in restricting the freedom of expression, which aligned with Article 152, Article 153 or Article 181 . 2. 5 Final Comments Although the legislations enacted does not define or express the term ‘censorship', but the practices conducted by the authorities are indeed exhibited the nature of censorship itself.

Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights Essay

Who or what does Heathcliff represent in Wuthering Heights? Is he a force of evil or a victim of it and how important is the role of class in the novel, particularly as it relates to Heathcliff and his life? The ‘moral ambiguity, glamour and degradation that is Heathcliff’ (same as below) forms the ultimate focus for the novel Wuthering Heights, beginning as Heathcliff is brought into the Earnshaw family, with his evil machinations completely driving the story and his death marking the conclusion of the novel. Throughout Bronte’s work he is portrayed as a strong figure who remains mysterious, magnetic and charismatic, keeping countless readers engaged throughout centuries through the desire to understand both Heathcliff’s character and his motivations. Tortured, brooding, passionate and dark, Heathcliff is undoubtedly the embodiment of the Byronic hero, i.e. a self-destructive anti-hero who is isolated from society, much like Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre or, more recently, Edward Cullen from the Twilight series. While his actions throughout the novel are neither likeable, nor condonable, they are driven by passion, an emotion synonymous with a typical literary hero and this, alongside his torturous love for Cathy, means that readers cannot help but feel empathy for him, bringing them closer to Heathcliff than any other character in the novel. Wuthering Heights provoked a good deal of anxiety when published, most of which was caused by the character of Heathcliff. The Examiner felt outraged by the mixture of affection and loathing he inspired, and even Emily’s sister, Charlotte felt ‘hard put to justify Heathcliff’s ‘repulsiveness’ and was forced onto the defensive. The creation of Heathcliff, she conceded, may not have been advisable.’ (Cambridge companion to the Bronte’s, page 166) Not solely a Byronic hero, Heathcliff is also seen to be a ‘nightmarish manifestation of subtler fears about self-making gone too far’. (Forgery in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture p. 13) Heathcliff is the epitome of a self-made man, rising from a degraded and abused orphan on the streets of Liverpool to a man of property, wealth, success and culture, a man ‘in dress and manners a gentleman: that is, as much a gentleman as many a country squire’ (Wuthering Heights p.21) a mere twenty five years later. This climb to wealth fundamentally embodies the anxieties that upper and  middle class Victorians possessed regarding the working classes. The upper classes were very ambivalent about the people below them socially; feeling charitable towards the lower-classes, yet weary of the idea that they may escape their circumstances through the acquisition of power, be it political, social, economic or cultural. The role of class in the novel is something of a constant struggle for Heathcliff, as although he manages to obtain property and therefore wealth, he can never change his appearance, which implies more socially than his wealth ever can. For even as Lockwood notes his gentlemanly appearance, he also recognises Heathcliff as a ‘dark-skinned gipsy in aspect’ (Wuthering Heights p.21), showing how his ethnic background presents an unusual contrast to his master of the house image, and how he can never truly escape his social standing. This social standing has an enormous effect on the character of Heathcliff and his life as the novel progresses. Rescued from the streets of Liverpool, Heathcliff enters the Earnshaw household a poor orphan, which automatically deems him to be on a lower level than any other character. He is immediately characterised as a ‘villain’, ‘imp of Satan’, with a language of ‘gibberish’ (Wuthering Heights) and is cruelly referred to as â€Å"it† by Catherine’s father, seen as an object rather than a person. This poor treatment is not much of an improvement on his difficult childhood and it is clear to see that he becomes a product of this neglect and abuse. Racially different, Heathcliff can and will never be accepted by his adoptive family, something which is highlighted to readers through the fact that he is never given the Earnshaw family name. Nelly uses an interesting choice of words to describe how the occupants of Wuthering Heights felt about Heathcliff’s arrival, saying ‘from the very beginning, he bred bad feeling in the house.’ (Wuthering heights ch. 4) These words are evocative as there is much speculation surrounding Heathcliff’s heritage. Coming from Liverpool, a town with high rates of immigrants, and with his dark looks, Heathcliff is likely of mixed race, with some critics suggesting that he is black, or, like Patrick Bronte, descended from Irish immigrants, either of which would lower his social standing even further. The theme of class is further intertwined in the plot as Heathcliff’s low  class ranking is one of the sole reasons that Catherine chooses to marry Edgar rather than to be with him, despite the fact that while her feelings towards Edgar fluctuate, she loves Heathcliff so intensely that she claims they are the same person. She finds Edgar ‘handsome and pleasant to be with’ (Wuthering Heights), yet these are merely superficialities; Catherine truly marries Edgar because he is a part of the right social class, possessing the ability to provide financial security for her. She has  clearly considered the prospect of marrying Heathcliff as she not only tells Nelly that if Heathcliff and she were to marry ‘we should be beggars’ (Wuthering Heights) but also reveals plans to use Edgar’s money to help Heathcliff rise in the class system. After Heathcliff returns, Catherine cannot contain her happiness, forcing Edgar to ask her to choose between Heathcliff and him. She refuses to honour that request, later blaming both men for breaking her heart as she could not choose between her love for Heathcliff and the life that Edgar could offer her. Marrying Edgar guaranteed Catherine a higher social standing. Overall, Heathcliff’s role in the Victorian class hierarchy plays an integral role in major events of his life. It is the reason he is abused by the master of the house, the reason that Catherine chooses Edgar over him, leading him to seek revenge and to make something of himself, but, above all, it is the reason he acts so despicably in the latter half of the novel, encouraging Isabella’s infatuation and acting aggressively. None of these events would have taken place if Heathcliff was of a higher social class, as he would have simply been able to marry Catherine. Throughout the text, Heathcliff is repeatedly referred to as being evil in ‘nature†¦ an unmannerly wretch’ (wuthering heights), with his own wife even asking if he is mad or a devil. Most of the characters assume that individuals are born good or evil, with people having little control over their personalities or actions. However, is Heathcliff truly a force of evil or merely a victim of it? Is it possible that he could represent both? It is undeniable that Heathcliff is a product of his upbringing. He was neglected, which in turn made him neglectful. He was abused, and so became abusive. He was segregated from the other characters, and so he cast everyone aside from  himself. He was treated unfairly throughout his upbringing, making him violent and resentful in later life. Heathcliff is the utmost paradigm of a victim turned perpetrator, and often falls back on violence as a means to express his feelings of both love and hatred. His anger is due to the mistreatment he suffered at the hands of Mr. Earnshaw, Hindley and Catherine, tying it to the revenge which he so passionately seeks. Despite this, Heathcliff also undertakes dishonourable, cruel acts against those who have done no harm to him in the past, demonstrating a side of him which shows that he is not solely a victim of evil, but also possesses a dark streak. The best example of this is the hanging of Isabella Linton’s dog, when Heathcliff says: The first thing she saw me do, on coming out of the Grange, was to hang up her little dog; and when she pleaded for it, the first words I uttered were a wish that I had the hanging of every being belonging to her, except one possibly she took that exception for herself. (WH chapter 12) Ultimately though, Heathcliff’s violence and darkness stems from bearing a chip on his shoulder and hanging onto the complexes gained from his past. He may possess a mean streak, however this has ultimately come as a consequence of his early life. Therefore, he is not a force of evil as such, as he had reason for the majority of his actions. No matter how violent or despicable Heathcliff may be by times, he cannot help but remain likeable, due in part to his love of Catherine. His love for her is violent in the sense that it is extremely passionate, but it stirs a brutal defensiveness; Heathcliff would never do anything to harm Catherine. Towards the end of the novel, he confesses to Nelly that he no longer has any interest in violence. This is not so much because he has sated his appetite for it, but rather he has gone past the need to inflict suffering onto others as a form of vengeance, proving that cruelty was never truly an inbuilt feature of his character. The real discomfort created by the novel when published was not ‘so much that Heathcliff is atrocious, but that he is not, after all, entirely despicable.’ (cambridge 167) The novel consistently gives the impression that there is more to Heathcliff’s actions than meets the eye, for example,  his cruelty is seen as merely an expression of his frustrated love for Catherine, or his sinister behaviour conceals the heart of a romantic hero. His character is expected to have a hidden virtue as he resembles a romantic hero, partly due to his overt masculinity, although this is taken to extremes of aggressiveness by times. Traditionally, heroes of romanticism appear dangerous, brooding and cold only to later emerge as loving and devoted. While Heathcliff does not reform as expected, there is no need for him to do so, as he remains permanently devoted and passionate about Catherine, although unable to clearly portray these emotions. Certain malevolence proves difficult to explain, as it cannot be deemed a form of revenge against people who have previously wronged him. As he himself points out, his abuse of Isabella is purely for his sadistic amusement, seeing how much she will endure while still returning. Critic Joyce Carol Oates argues that Brontà « does to the reader that which Heathcliff does to Isabella, testing to see how much the reader can be shocked by Heathcliff’s gratuitous violence and still,  masochistically, insist on seeing him as a romantic hero. Oates has a valid point, as, for all his flaws and sadistic actions, one cannot hate, or even dislike the character of Heathcliff, seeing him solely as a wounded soul who tries to get back at those who previously hurt him, making him the ultimate Byr onic hero of Nineteenth Century literature.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Persuasive Speech about Prayer in Public Schools Essay

Ladies and Gentlemen all protocol observed, I would like to tell you the facts behind the reason why I am against prayers in public schools. Prayer in public schools should no be allowed since it is inconsiderate of the different religions that are represented in the school. Public schools host people from all religions since they are cheaper hence affordable. When the prayers are done they are biased against the religion with minor representation in the school hence it is better if prayer was abolished in school. When prayers for one religion are done, the other religions feel oppressed discriminated against and they have a feeling of inferiority. It feels like the school administration is trying to force the students to join their religion. The school administration should advocate the elimination of prayer to avoid cases where the students feel discriminated. The students will feel like they are forced to worship (Sommer 1984). Instead of conducting prayers in public school each student should be allowed to pray on their own. This way the school will be respecting all religions since all students will have freedom of worship and they will feel appreciated. Even though some of the schools acknowledge all religions, they tend to allocate less time to the prayers of the religions with minor representation. At times the public schools do not even recognize the religious holidays of the religions that have minor representation. Some of the prayers that are done too do not show the serious that religion requires and some people prefer not praying instead of praying in a way that will leave other offended. There are some people who believe that they should only conduct personal prayers the people prefer praying for themselves (Lindorfer 2004). When prayers are conducted in school by a person who is not in the same religion with another, since there is the feeling of indifference between the two parties, divisions could arise in extreme cases that could disrupt the education process in the school as a result of strikes. Ladies and gentlemen, with these issues at hand, I suggest that prayers should be eliminated from public schools and all students should pray on their own. This way the unity among students will be enhanced since religious differences will be avoided and all students will coexist in peace (religionandpoliticsgeek 2008). In those schools that all students share one religion, there are different denominations and all people fight to have their denomination as the superior. An example is where a catholic would like to conduct a prayer in their way and a Presbyterian too will want prayers conducted the way they do it in their place of worship. As a result when the prayers are conducted in one way, they other student will feel that their denomination is not appreciated. With the emergence of very many churches, it is advisable to eliminate prayer in public schools to avoid cases where the students rise against each other based on prayer (Rollins 1998). With those facts, I would request all of you to join me in advocating for abolition of prayer in public schools.

Demat Account Essay

I would like to thank my Branch Manager for being a support throughout my Project work. Mr. Deepak Chaudhary has always encouraged me to stay focused towards my project no matter what the conditions are. I have furthermore to thank my respected Project Guide Dr. Renuka Sharma who gave and confirmed this permission and encouraged me to go ahead with my Project. She always guided me in the right direction whenever I asked her for help. I would also like to thank God for giving me the patience throughout my project and my parents who supported me and helped me in all ways. Without all, I could not have successfully completed my project properly in time with adequate data and relevant substance in it. Thanking you, Mehak Mehta CUN120550046 3 Executive Summary This project is about creating a portfolio product that would help Angel Broking. We all know that stock market is a risky investment alternative for all but it is good if investor can make money out of it. The regulatory body for the stock market is SEBI who controls all the activities of the market on daily basis and try to do transaction in a legal way so as to avoid the scams and to protect the interest of the investors. Now days there are many Portfolio managers and Fund managers who invest on the behalf of the investors and they assured them fixed rate of return on their investment in a particular period of time. They all applied various kinds of model to measure the risk available in the market and the tools to manage that risk. There are various kinds of risk which is mainly categorize in two parts 1. Macro level risk 2. Micro level risk I. Macro level risk :- It consist of Systematic and Unsystematic Risk. Systematic risk is that which cannot be reduced but Unsystematic risk can be controlled. Micro Level risk:- It consist of various kinds of risk which are prevailing in the market like Business risk, Market risk, Liquidity risk, Exchange rate risk, Financial risk, Currency risk and Country risk The above are the broad categories of the risk in the market. As we can see from the recession that the global markets also have their impact on the Indian market because now a days companies are doing business at global level so the market of one country can affect the market of other countries also. So we cannot avoid the risk but we can manage the risk and minimize it. In my project I have done the same thing by applying the various models or tools which are helpful to manage the risk while doing an investment. Purpose/Objective of the study:? ? The purpose of the study is to give a portfolio product to Angel Broking as per the needs of the population of Ludhiana region. Endeavour to create wealth over the medium to longer term through investments in equities, across market capitalization by focusing solely on the following:? To measure the risk available in the market, taking into consideration the Nifty 50 stocks. To look deep into the fundamentals of the companies as well as the concerned industry. ? To calculate the expected return from the shortlisted stocks as well as from their concerned industry. ? To measure the risk/reward value of investors’ assets class choices 4 Research Methodology Used in the Project:Type of research project is Descriptive and Exploratory. To make a research project we need to see that whether there would be scope of this study or not, because if our study is not having scope then the whole work done will not be effective. The scope of this study is there in the market because in today scenario everyone looks for the safe and risk free return but they don’t know how to manage the risk which is there in the market so by the help of this study and after seeing the relevance, the Financial managers or the investment companies can take benefit out of it. Because by this they will come to know about the tools to manage the risk and they will be able to sell more investment products because by using it they will be able to give safe return to the investors which will lead to an increase in their goodwill in the market. Methodology used to making of this project is Descriptive research design. Once we decide with the type of research design we need also to know about the collection of data. I have used the secondary method to collect the data from the market. For this purpose different websites are being search out for the relevant information for making the project and various research paper and articles were also studied so as to get reference from those articles. Once I am done with the data collection and fundamental analysis, I then need to apply the tools. In my project I have used mainly four tools BETA, CAPITAL ASSET PRICING MODEL (CAPM), STANDARD DEVIATION and SHARPE INDEX. Sharpe Index tells us the excess return we can generate from the investment. Beta tells about the volatility of the risk. CAPM tells us about the Expected return on the stock, and Sortino ratio tells us that out of the stocks which are giving negative return which will be the stock that will give positive return in near future. Thus by applying all these models we come to know that we can also minimize our risk but for that analysis should be done so as to enjoy the safe return on the investment. Findings:- After applying all the above models I have come to know the Beta of my portfolio, expected return that my portfolio will generate. CAPM help us to know that how much would be expected return on the stock and then we can compare the actual return with the expected return and invest accordingly. Beta helps us to know the volatility of risk in the market and then we can do risk return tradeoff so as to invest in best stock as per our analysis. And Result of Sharpe ratio helps us to compare with the expected return and then do the Sortino ratio if required. 5 Table of Contents I. Introduction to the corporation. Business carried on by parent company and group companies along with brief history, promoters & vision Introduction to the parent firm Main competitors Number of employees Organization Structure Study of functioning of all the departments of the company SWOT Analysis Financial Statement Analysis Trend Analysis Strategies adopted Profitability Analysis Review of Literature ? ? ? Review of articles Need of the study Objectives of the study III. Research Methodology adopted IV. Details of actual work undertaken V. Interpretation & Analysis VI. Conclusion and Suggestions ? ? VII. Findings of the study Recommendations of the study Glossary VIII. Bibliography 6 Chapter-1 Introduction to the corporation and company 7 Business carried on by the parent company 8 Angel Broking Registered Office Corporate Office G-1, Ackruti Trade Center, Road No -7, 6th Floor, Ackruti Star, Central Road – MIDC, MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 093. Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 093. Tel: (022) 2835 8800 / 3083 7700 Tel: (022) 3935 7600 9 About the company Angel Broking’s tryst with excellence in customer relations began in 1987. Today, Angel has emerged as one of the most respected Stock-Broking and Wealth Management Companies in India. With its unique retail-focused stock trading business model, Angel is committed to providing ‘Real Value for Money’ to all its clients. The Angel Group is a member of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), National Stock Exchange (NSE) and the two leading Commodity Exchanges in the country: NCDEX ; MCX. Angel is also registered as a Depository Participant with CDSL. Vision To provide best value for money to investors through innovative products, trading/investments strategies, state of the art technology and personalized service. Motto To have complete harmony between quality-in-process and continuous  improvement to deliver exceptional service that will delight our Customers and Clients. 10 CRM Policy. A Customer is the most Important Visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us, but we are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so. † – Mahatma Gandhi Business Philosophy ? ? ? ? Ethical practices ; transparency in all our dealings Customers interest above our own Always deliver what we promise Effective cost management Quality Assurance Policy We are committed to providing world-class products and services which exceed the expectations of our customers, achieved by teamwork and a process of continuous improvement. 11 Evolution of Angel Group ? MR DINESH THAKKAR, CHAIRMAN ; MANAGING DIRECTOR, ANGEL GROUP, started this Journey as a SUB-BROKER in 1987 with 3 Employees and 25 Clients. 1997-2003 ? Dec’97: Incorporation of Angel Broking ? July’98: Angel Research Division started ? Mar’02: Web-enabled back office software developed 2004 ? Apr’04: Incorporation of Commodities Broking ? Sep’04: Launch of internet trading platform 2005 Awarded prestigious â€Å"Major volume driver† award 12 2006 ? ? ? ? Jul’06: PMS function launched Sep’06: Commences MF and IPO distribution Oct’06: Awarded â€Å"Major volume driver† award Dec’06: Crossed 2,500 business associates 2007 ? Oct’07: â€Å"Major volume driver† award for third consecutive time ? Nov’07: Crossed 1. 5 lakh mark in DP account ? Dec’07: IFC acquired 12. 35% stake in Angel Group 2008 ? ? ? ? ? Jan’08: Commences insurance distribution Feb’08: Ranked 1st by NSE for Registered intermediaries May’08: Third party distribution business ramped up Sep’08: Ranked 1st on NSE for largest sub-broker network Major volume driver† award for the 4th consecutive time 2009 ? Jan’09: Ranked 1st on NCDEX on the basis of turnover ? May’09: Awarded the â€Å"Best Retail Broking House† and the â€Å"Broking House with Largest Distribution Network† by Dun ; Bradstreet ? Two Analysts won the ET Starmine Analyst Award ? â€Å"Major volume driver† award for the 5th consecutive time 2010 ? Nov’10: â€Å"Major volume driver† award for the 6th consecutive time 13 2011 ? Mar’11: Awarded the Best Contribution in Investor Education ; Category Enhancement of the Year – Angel Broking Ltd and Broker with Best Commodity Research of the Year – Angel Commodities Broking Pvt. A very strong and dedicated Research and Advisory desk. ? One of the highest success ratios in both technical and fundamental calls. ? An excellent IT infrastructure in place with over 18144 trading terminals and 610 VSATs with a server uptime of 99. 9%. ? 100% Retail centric focus and total commitment towards retail customers. ? Some of the best fund managers running our Portfolio Management Services to enable clients to minimize their risk, enhance return and diversify their portfolios. ? Training Programs to upgrade the knowledge base ; competency levels of our employees, channel partners ; even our end customers. Understanding client’s risk ; return profile Offering the right blend of sector and stock exposure Giving dedicated Investment Advisors Giving a choice of different schemes to suit every individual investor preferences Catering to Individuals, HUFs, Corporate, NRIs, Trusts ? Angel Commodities ? ? ? ? Personalized services through branches ; regional hubs Trading ; Relationship Mgmt. Services in Bullion, Base Metals, Energy ; Agri. futures Opportunities in hedging ; portfolio diversification, speculation ; arbitrage Training ; Educational Seminars on Commodities ? Angel Currency Futures ? ? ? ? Comprehensive coverage on Currencies (‘Rupee’ to ‘Euro’, ‘Dollar Index’ to ‘Yen’). Reports covering in-depth fundamentals of the currencies. Latest economic data releases with their likely impact, along with â€Å"Technical levels† Comprehensive reports on currencies ideally suited for any investor / trader. ? Angel Gold ? ? ? ? Personalized Investment Advisory Portfolio Restructuring ; Continuous Monitoring Guidance from Experienced Research Team Periodic Group Meetings with Investors. ? Specialized Products Margin Funding ? Facility to allow clients to take higher exposure 20 ? ? ? Instant Liquidity for Clients Margin is deposited in Cash as well as Collaterals Enabling Clients grab Earning Opportunity Pre-Paid Brokerage ? ? ? ? ? ? Zero Account Opening Charges Attractive Brokerage Rates Free DP AMC for 1 year Assured gifts worth thousands with every account Easy ; Fast Recharge Free Financial Investment Application with every account ? Depository Services ? ? ? ? ? No physical instruction required for the client’s sell obligations Lowest transaction charges in the country Acceptance ; execution of instruction on fax A combined monthly ‘Bill-Transaction-Holding cum Ledger’ statement Efficient pledge mechanism ? Value Added Services Request response SMS Example – DP Holding, Pool Holding, Ledger update etc ? Insurance ? ? ? Products to meet the triple objectives of risk coverage, investment and tax planning Assessment of your Insurance needs after proper risk profiling A wide array of individual life cover plans to meet your Protection, Savings and Retirement needs ? Mutual Funds ? ? ? ? ? Tie- ups with all major AMCs Dedicated Relationship Manager for Business Partners Exclusive MF Research Reports by Angel (Daily/ Weekly/Monthly Mutual Fund Reports) MF Portfolios as per Investors Financial Goal Common Gateway for all Mutual Funds related queries ? Loans, IPO and Fixed Deposits Products distributed by Angel include: Unsecured Loans ? Personal/Business Loans/Credit Cards Secured Loans ? Home Loans/ Loan Against Properties ? Loan Against Securities / Gold IPO – Distribution, Advisory and Helpdesk Fixed Deposits NHB Term Deposits 22 Distribution Model Short form Full form Details CSO Central Statistical Organization Mumbai RO Regional Offices 24 Branches Branches 190 SB Sub-Brokers 10000+ Clients Clients 1900000+ 23 Business carried on by the particular firm 24 Angel Broking Regional Office. Rewards ; Recognition 27 E-broking Unique Online Trading products customized to suit different Investment / Trading needs – ? ? ? Angel Investor Angel Diet Angel Trade Back-Office Online Client Details includes – ? Ledger balances ? Cash Deposits with Angel ? Securities Holdings ? ? Charges levied/paid in the client’s account Last auction / close-outs effected ? DP Holding for the last 3 transactions 28 Advisory Intraday calls BTST calls Long term calls Angel Trading 29 Positional calls Main Competitors Major players in the region are as follows:- 30 History of broking firms Brief history of some broking firms – The birth of Karvy was on a modest scale in 1981. It began with the vision and enterprise of a small group of practicing Chartered Accountants who founded the flagship company, Karvy Consultants Limited. ? They started with consulting and financial accounting automation and carved inroads into the field of registry and share accounting by 1985. ? Since then, karvy utilized its experience and superlative expertise to go from strength to strength, to better their services, to innovate, diversify and in the process, evolved as one of India’s premier integrated financial service enterprise.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Difficult Child

A difficult child It is true that some children are easier to raise than others. They are happy, affectionate, sociable and self-disciplined. Others, however, can be irritable, stubborn, aggressive, and restless. Despite their parents’ great efforts, these children are difficult to deal with and to bring up. During the years, people’s opinion about children who face challenges in controlling their feelings and behavior has shifted from one point of view to another. On the one hand, the blame was placed on parents – somehow it was their fault that their children misbehave.If parents were more understanding, patient and caring, then their children would be good. This view didn’t make any sense to many parents and even put them to a cul-de-sac, because their parenting worked for one of their children, but not for other. On the other hand, the experts came to believe that difficult children are like this because of their innate makeup, they are simply born wit h certain traits, and it is not their fault. Irritability, indifference, fussiness or aggressiveness in children is seen as part of their nature, and parents have no choice but to learn to live with such traits in their child. Similar essay: Having Children While YoungIt goes without saying that, dealing with difficult children isn’t an easy task and changes to positive side require a long time. In fact, the older they grow, the more rebellious they are likely to become, that’s why it’s very important to discern the difficulties in the upbringing of the child at his early age. Moreover, parents relate to their children can make a huge difference in how youngsters feel about themselves and respond to their environment. Therefore, parents should become child’s support and encouragement.Children learn by example, they absorb all the information like sponges and the best way to promote good habits and behavior is by practicing parents by themselves. One more vital point for parents is to be more involved in child’s life, it means that family members should always keep a healthy relationship with the kid and create a comfort level that will enable him find relatives helpful an d reassuring. The last, but not less significant aspect is making child responsible for his decisions and choices, there should always be a consequence of every action, good or bad.This will make him responsible for everything he does and will require a good amount of thinking before any action is taken. I’d like to conclude by saying that â€Å"a difficult child† is not an illness or medical diagnosis, difficult children are normal, they can become positive, enthusiastic, perhaps even especially creative individuals if they are well managed when young, as well as treated with most care and love, from parents, family members, relatives, teachers or any other people around them.

Heritage and cultural tourism Essay

Tourism is third largest industry in the world and according to the report of World travel and Tourism Council tourism industry generates approx 12% of world GNP (Agyei and Samuel, 2006). Heritage and culture has always been one of the most significant aspects of world tourism. People live their lives against rich environment formed by historic buildings, countryside’s of ancient times (Chang, 2000). This present research report has objectives to discuss the growth and importance of heritage and cultural industry. To describe in better form some of the world’s most popular heritage place is considered in this report. Further this report will also focus on various aspects pertaining to heritage and culture industry (Barrà © and Hervà ©, 2002). TASK: 1 Understand the growth and development of the heritage and cultural industry within travel and tourism. a. Breakdown of Heritage and Cultural tourism locations Heritage and Cultural tourism locations are generally considered as a subdivision of tourism industry which is oriented towards the cultural heritages at the particular location where tourism is happening. It includes the process of traveling to experience all the historic places or take knowledge about the history (Chang, 2000). There are various places in world which consists with historic elements in it like Tateva which is situated in Armenia, Briteddine palace, Lebanon, Wudand Mountains, situated in china etc. But in present scenario there various factors which are responsible for destroying world heritage (Evans and Graeme, 2003). To give broad focus on the issue here is an example of some world heritages which are standing on the stage of demolition. Bamiyan Buddha’s statutes are the worlds famous monumental statues of Buddha’s are established in 6th century which was destroys in the year of 2001 (Evans and Graeme, 2003). These statues are built from stone and sand in the ancient times. The reasons are not yet clear for destruction of these two prehistoric statues. Figure : Bomiyan Buddha’s statue (Source: Evans and Graeme, 2003) Bomiyan Buddha’s statues are situated in the Afghanistan, 230 km northwest of Kabul, and standing into the side of cliff in Bamiyan valley. Lots of examples are observed where ancient assets are standing at the corner of devastation. There is also one example of â€Å"Pompeii† which is ancient roman town city. This ancient town was originated in the seventh century BC was captured by Romans in 80 BC (Bernick and Boo, 2013). This place was also known as House of Gladiators, but before some time unfortunately its breakdown report has been recognize. Pompeii is popular in tourist but suffered from lack of investments for further developments. One wall was destructed by the cause of heavy rain falls which reflects the lack of Italian governments in maintain the ancient sites. This place is situated near Nepal in the Italian region of Campania. It is the popular tourism place and it in the year of 2008 this place has recorded 2.6 million visitors per year (Harrison, 2006). Figure : Pompeii after destruction (Source: Bernick and Boo, 2013) b. Growth and development of heritage and cultural sites To consistently ensuring the development of heritage sites of the world, there is establishment of the World Heritage Center in 1992 (Harrison, 2006). They are working as a secretariat of the statutory bodies of the conventions. They assist the state parties in order to implement the development policies of heritages sites. This center also helps in executing the old conventions and to develop the domestic government capabilities to maintain the long term protection of historic sites. Governments of many nations are aware for develop their ancient sites to retain the past. They are working in order to provide enormous opportunities of employments for economy and social developments of their nation. There are various private and government originations which assist in the developments of heritage and cultural sites (Mehmetoglu and Normann, 2013). Culture and tourism is major source of revenue and various steps are taken by governments and private organizations to develop the heritage and culture. There are several steps has been taken by the governments, organizations, an community to develop heritage and culture (Mehmetoglu and Normann, 2013). Authentic cultural and heritage venues and programs: It is essential for each community to realize that heritage and culture is competitive venture (Petia and Peter, 2004). It is required by the governments and private organization to take some steps for gathering people and develop them understanding regarding importance of heritage and culture conservations. They can organize some events or programs to aware the public for appreciation of heritage (Petia and Peter, 2004). Coordination of stakeholders: This is another process of growth and development where organizations can take the help of workers and service providers in heritage place. Service provider can educate the customers regarding usefulness of history and traditions. Coordination of stakeholder will contributes a great support in aware the customers to take care of their heritage and traditions (Uriely, 2009). Development of Necessary infrastructure: By developing major infrastructure of the heritage places government can helps in increasing the numbers of visitors. The major infrastructure includes hotels, transportation, amenities, local attractions etc (Uriely, 2009). These things will attract the visitors to a visit that place and leads to generate sources of income for the local peoples. c. Potential conflicts in the conservation of heritage and cultural sites The term Heritage is generally used by the people for those things which are valuable for them and which they want to secure for future, and that thing will be source of pride for them. The common conflicts which could be occur and concern with defining tangible heritage and intangible heritage (Petia and Peter, 2004). Intangible heritage can be observed as meaning, values, memories, feeling etc and tangible heritage are those which are built in the ancient time. Potential conflicts regarding conservation of heritage and cultural sites should be cut down. In the case when conflict cannot be cut down, then significance of the heritage should be put forward. Different group from community have different preferences and values for heritage. Giving preference to conservation for particular place by skip another valuable place can become the major reason for developing conflicts in the group of the communities (Uzama, 2009). TASK: 2 Purpose and importance of heritage and cultural attractions a. Purpose and importance of heritage and cultural sites and attractions Heritages are divides in two part tangible and intangible heritage, it essential to preserve all the heritage and natural sites around the world. One aspect for retention of the heritage places is that major tourism business is associated with the heritage places. Tourism industry generally prefers to visits their travelers at heritage and natural attractions. It is reflected from recent survey that in between 1996 to 2002 data shows that heritage travel is increased by 13 %, more than double growth of US travel industry (Uzama, 2009). According to the report of US Travel Association, travel and tourism industry directly contributes to approx $800 billion to the economy of United States in the year of 2011 (Uriely, 2009). The main purpose of the heritage is concerned with protecting the environment by encouraging the peoples and government to save the world heritage to sustain local economy. Retention of heritage place also provides the quality of life and helpful in giving cultural identity to the communities (Uzama, 2009). The importance of heritage can be judged by observing the total contribution to the GDP by Egypt tourism which has recorded increase in 4% to 9% simultaneously 2009 to 2010 (Harrison, 2006). In the context of cultural attractions, for example cultural attractions in Saudi Arabia have contributes to 12% of GDP. Figure : Growth ratio of Heritage and Culture tourism (Source: Lafontine and Shaw, 2005) From the traditional point of view heritage is defined as architecture object. In present era heritage includes various monuments, buildings, landscapes, old traditions, urban areas, maritime places, country sites, etc (Lafontine and Shaw, 2005). Heritage sites and buildings, landscapes also contain various optimistic influences on many aspects to develop a social community. Rebuilding, education, economy development, increase in the level of employments are the key areas where positive impacts of the heritage and culture reservation can be observe (Rodgers, 2001). By recognizing the various advantages to these aspects it can be considered that heritage and culture are important for the economy and social developments (Sisay, 2009). The historic environment is proven as a source of benefits because there are various parts in world where tourist generally attracts to visits only that place which is consists with some past. This thing provides information to travelers regarding habits, patterns and preferences, styles, and a business concept of ancient’s communities. Social community feels very proud to have some history of them, but don’t always express how much they give value to the place until it is in problem. Reuse of the ancient building is a significant factor which relates to sustainable communities (Lafontine and Shaw, 2005). b. How do these sites and attraction meet the needs of different customers and stakeholders In tourism industry cultural and heritage is considered as fastest growing segment and consistently showing trends towards the rising flow of specialization among tourists. Developing heritage and cultural segment in the tourism industry reflects the fascination of travelers towards adventure, traditions, past, archeology and interest in interface with the traditional peoples (Laurie and et. al., 2004). According to perception of heritage and culture experts, customers are those who comes to visits heritage places and willful to take the information about local people culture and their traditional beliefs, conventions etc. They are the peoples who takes the services from the management of the heritage places and pay them charges where required (Laurie and et. al., 2004). In continuation stakeholders are those peoples who are associated with the heritage management to provide various services to their customers or travelers. In order to properly comprehend, regarding how heritage and cultural sites meets the needs of the customers and stakeholder, it is essential to understand the perceptions of the travelers (Nagle, 2000). Some travelers are seeking for various adventures in heritage places like mounting, tracking etc but at the other hand some are expecting to observe different cultural beliefs, values of the local peoples (Min, Min and Ahmed, 2005). Now here management or stakeholders of the heritage will arrange the safe area for adventures like organizing various adventures sports at heritage places to satisfy the needs of their customers. In return heritage organizations provide various allowances and incentives to their stake holder to engage in excursion work with them. In this way heritage and attractions sites will satisfy the needs of their customers and simultaneously heritage organizations satisfy the needs of their stakeholders (Laurie and et. al., 2004). Stakeholders are the management staff of the heritage organization which may be private or public (Nagle, 2000). They are continuously supporting the excursion work because heritage places are generally situated on the mountains and there are major chances of climate disasters, so they need proper support for their organization to survive there (Min, Min and Ahmed, 2005). Some of the impacts are perceived in the positive and negative manner (Lickorish, and Jenkins, 2007). If the ownership of the heritage place is in the hand of the government then they would not take initiative in the development of the management of the heritage. All the decisions regarding the heritage place would be in the hand of all employees. Anyone can be able to manipulate in polices of the government. In other words the uniformity in the decisions of the high level of ministers would not be similar by reaching at the lower level (Ottenbacher and Harrington, 2009). But at the other hand in the case of the private ownership of heritage place, organization would always seek to develop their property. In this statement â€Å"Property† word is used because despite of the government only ancestors of the place would be owner of that place (Lickorish, and Jenkins, 2007). Private owners always wants to develop more revenue from their property so the flow of decision would be precise. All the decisions regarding any kind of development or policies can be taken by the top management and all the lower level of managers needs to implement that. No one in the lower management would be able to manipulate in the decision making process (Yakhlef, 2004). TASK: 3 Roles and responsibilities and ownership of organizations in the heritage and cultural industry a. Impact of different types of ownership on the management of heritage and cultural sites Generally heritage and cultural industry are owned by their national government or by private owners who contains the ownership of particular place. This is responsibility of local government are divided in two acts one is Heritage act 1977 and second is Environmental planning and assessment act 1979 (Ottenbacher and Harrington, 2009). The local government needs to establish legislative framework to effectively manage the heritage which also includes the planning system. It is also essential to mention that Wild life service and National parks has a responsibility to take care about the conservations of the heritage and natural sites under the Wile life act 1974 (Yakhlef, 2004). There are different forms of managing the management of heritage private owners and government owners. Private owners generally seek to develop their heritage site to increase the revenue from it. Their flow of decision would always precise means no one can be edit in the decisions. All the decision making powers are in the hand of top management. But in the case of government owners which are less likely to invest in the development of the heritage and cultural sites. Every level of management can take decision in government organization (Yakhlef, 2004). b. Roles and responsibilities of organizations in the heritage and cultural industry Some of the major roles and responsibilities of private and government owners of the heritage places are: To create various effective strategies for the developments of heritage and cultural attractions for the tourism industry. Consistently take initiatives to take care of the cleanliness of the places. Organizations can financially help the traditional and heritage place for their development which leads to the large number of tourists which will strengthen the economy. Manage all the native state forestry to develop the heritage place in more widen manner. Collaborate in the various researches of the industry for innovations in order to improve the production from forest, wood quality etc (Martinez and Slooten, 2011). It is major role of government and organizations to plan future landscapes to increase the heritage and cultural environment to increase the tourism. Organizations can provide infrastructures by providing hotels and restaurants facility in heritage places, this thing will enhance the level of employment. It comes to know that approx 86% of domestic government total expenses they spent on waste management like managing wastewater and all kind of solid waste and balance spend on infrastructure activities (Touropia, 2010). It has observed that Australian Government has a constitutional roles and responsibility in order to managing every kind environmental matter which is very essential. These actions come under Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Planning Act 1999 (the EPBC Act). The EPBC Act has a requirement of approval for functions to perform (VisitBritain, 2012). TASK: 4 understand the methods of interpretation within the heritage and cultural industry a. Methods of interpretation within the heritage and cultural industry In the tourism industry with context to heritage and cultural sites, interpretations can be considered as a manner of learning which helps in embraces the educational concepts. It includes giving information pertaining to natural, cultural, physical, and history about the heritage and cultural sites (Touropia, 2010). These process includes various theories relates to psychology, philosophy, sociology and educational in order to helps in developing awareness and appropriate attitudes and behavior patterns. Interpretation also considered as an imperative manner of acquainting society with its life support system (Hall, Smith and Marciszewska, 2006). It is observe that foremost objective of the agencies and individual interpreters to lead the humans to develop consciousness about the heritage places. Agencies also concerns to make them able to take intelligent actions in order to sustain the nature, heritage and traditional environments. It is essential requirements of thorough understanding and knowledge about psychological terms of tourists to satisfy them and also to encourage them to save heritage nd cultural sites (Touropia, 2010). It is to be noted that the first principal of interpretation is to provide the knowledge which is pertains to experiences of the travelers. The concept of interpretations in tourism industry is developed by Enos Mills and suggested that interpretation is considered as educational activity which aims to disclose the meanings and relationships with the help of original objects by their own experience and also by illustrative media despite of basically communicate factual information’s (Watson, 2010). There are also various modes of interpretation within heritage and cultural industry which are described below. It is understood that interpretation may be give by off-site and on-site but there are also some typical interpretation methods which discussed below (Watson, 2010). Interpretation Methods

Bussiness Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Bussiness Organisations - Essay Example The relationship between leadership and national culture has often been held to impact closely the success and failure of an organisation in terms of leadership style, motivation and employee performance(Bass, 1990; Collins and Porras, 1996).In the context of National culture at least academics have pointed out that transformational leadership attributes which pertain to empowerment and perception contribute to employee job satisfaction and commitment in a very positive way (Iverson and Roy, 1994). The business academia has often focused upon the influence of gender on leadership and its various dimensions. When we are thus perusing the relationship between gender role and leadership style academics have pointed out towards a tendency of attaching "masculinity with task-oriented leadership styles and femininity with relationship-oriented ones".(Oshagbemi and Gill, 2003).It is perceived by the researchers and the academia that if sexes are perceived so differently in organizations their leadership styles would also differ a lot and this would seem likely that leadership styles are also different. Leadership is morality magnified"(Ciulla, 2006:17).In this regard this section seeks to define the relationships between ethics and leadership in the organisational context.The modern leader has to weather and face a plethora of situations like financial and political scandals,international pressure,public image,regulation and the current business mood and in this context it is also worth noting that gender and national culture issues have also reflected upon the common problems versus cultural specificity.(Individual responsibility v Corporate conscience). CONCLUSION This report concludes that the term "Leadership"is subjectively constructed and the whole concept has many dimensions.For Gardner (1995, p. 292), "The greatest challenge the leaders face is to bring about significant and lasting changes in a large and heterogeneous group". The link between leadership and ethics and gender has been accordingly explored to reflect cultural contexts aswell. INTRODUCTION The meaning and usage of the notion of leadership as an ingredient of success and value in an organisations contemporary structure has received a mixed response from the business academia,where skeptics have gone as far as to say that "All definitions are arbitrary. They reflect choices that cannot be proved or validated" (Shamir and Eilam 2005:395).The question is that when we seek an authentic meaning of the role of leadership instead of the "glittery and shiny"part it can be seen that the mere display of socially desirable behaviours does not make a good leader.Rather good leadership in the organisational structure should exhibit something more "genuine" and decisions based on a leaders courage to follow his or her own convictions.(Shamir and Eilam 2005) .According to Cooper et al (2005) this would indicate that we should be looking at leadership behaviours rather than styles like transformational, transactional, etc and there is a need to discuss how the leadership in promoting s uccess in contemporary organisations has to be multidimensional with regard to drawing from the elements such as traits, behaviors, and contexts.This

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Acute Respiratory Distress Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Acute Respiratory Distress Case Study - Essay Example area and that usually HPS occurs in a shed or cabin closed for some time but which is improperly cleaned (â€Å"Facts about Hantaviruses,† 2011; â€Å"Hantavirus,† 2011). This enclosed area usually contains rodent excreta, which when inhaled by a human would cause HPS (Siegel, 2011). The virus, specifically known as Sin Nombre Virus or SNV, has a rodent host – which is usually the deer mouse, the white-footed mouse, the cotton rat and the rice rat (Siegel, 2011; â€Å"Facts about Hantaviruses,† CDC, 2011). It is the excreta from these rodents, usually in the form of urine, saliva or feces, that contains the virus (Siegel, 2011). When the charge nurse said, â€Å"I knew there was a good reason not to clean my house,† she was referring to the improper way of cleaning the cabin where the young male patient most likely acquired HPS. It was partly the fault of the girlfriend, who considered herself a â€Å"neat freak† and who was â€Å"constantly cleaning and disinfecting.† Little did she know that there was probably rat excreta in the cabin which was inhaled by her boyfriend right after she cleaned it improperly. According to Siegel (2011), â€Å"peridomestic activities associated with HPS were cleaning food storage areas or outbuildings† and this was probably what the girlfriend always did. However, since the proper way of cleaning up rodent excreta is by NOT sweeping or vacuuming and since the girlfriend probably did exactly this, then it caused the virus-infested excreta particles to go into the air and reach the boyfriend’s lungs by inhalation (â€Å"Facts about Hantaviru ses, CDC, 2011). However, the question remains on whether the disease is found only in the Southwest or what factors exactly determine the places where the SNV might be present. Based on past data, the disease has actually spread to the neighboring states like South Dakota and North Dakota. In fact, only after two months from the attack in the Southwest in May 1993, there were cases found in Nevada,

Leaders of China in the 20th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leaders of China in the 20th Century - Essay Example This resentment yield fruits by beginning of the Boxer Rebellion in the 20th Century (Kissinger, 2011). China was modified into Republic of China when the 1911 Revolution replaced the two thousand years old imperial system in China led by Sun Yat-sen. January of 1946 marked the beginning of another struggle for power in China. It was Chiang Kai-shek who served as a military assistance to Sun Yat-sen. He was a nationalist supporter. After demise of Sun Yat-sen,, he became popular with the people and became the first ever President of China under a novel, and slacken constitution. During his regime, he was unable to come up with any resolution with the Communists regardless of his long run negotiations with them (Loh, 1971). The drawback of Chiang Kai-shek government was a failure to come in settlement with the Communists and so he was restricted only to the island of Taiwn by 1950 when the United States funds were stopped. He negotiated with the United States military forces and established limited democracy in the country which was already a failure. He began to urge Nationalist guerillas on the mainland of China but was severely bruited. The UN expelled his government in 1971 and subsequently gave rights to the Communists to hold their legitimate regime in the country (Loh, 1971).. United States intervened in Chinese cities led by KMT, while the countryside was under the control of CCP. CCP took action against the KMT in the cities as civilians began to take stand for their country. So, Mao Zedong took over China on 1st October, 1949 when Taiwan took over KMT and yet again gave birth to People’s Republic of China. When Mao Zedong took control over China, he was regarded as one of the big revolutionaries but also one of the most horrible politicians of his time (Spence, 1999). It was Mao who formed the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Efficient Data Mining Classification Technique Essay

Efficient Data Mining Classification Technique - Essay Example Therefore, the concept-evolution problem would be effectively addressed in this thesis along with data reduction and class balancing issues. This research project aims to study the shortcomings of existing novel class detection, data reduction, and class balancing data mining techniques in terms of their accuracy, efficiency, and applicability to real life applications of multi streaming data. The aim of the research is also to provide alternate solutions to overcome those drawbacks. My thesis aims to propose a general model and algorithm that will be tested on synthetic data and well known real data sets e.g. KDD Cup 99 network intrusion detection (KDD), Auslan [Kad02], and EMG [Kol05]. Classification, clustering, and aggregation are some of the data mining hot topics that are of extreme value in all engineering and scientific areas, such as, biological, physical and bio-medical sciences. Diversified nature of escalated data along with its composite aspects and multiple autonomous sources is a major issue in data mining that leads to the need for the development of real life applications. The motivation behind this study is offered in the following paragraphs: The first issue the thesis is going to address is that of evolving data, which represents a challenge for classification. The effective and efficient methods are needed by the growing and dynamic data streams, which are considerably different from the static data mining methods. The concept drift and infinite length are considered to be the well-studied features of data streams. Across data stream mining, to address the infinite length [Fan04] and concept-drift[Cha07][Kol05] [Wan03], diverse methods have been suggested in the literature. Yet, the data streams have two another challenging characteristics, known as, feature-evolution and concept-evolution, which are ignored by the present methods.

Practical Project Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Practical Project Report - Essay Example During my visit, I maintained my study to concentrate on the quality of services offered by the service providers of the restaurant. Glass Brasserie is a unique restaurant in its own way; it is incomparable to other restaurants. My initial observation upon reaching the restaurant was the cool, well-maintained and welcoming environment. Glass Brasserie is located in a human-friendly environment where no client would resist visiting often. This first impression at the entrance of the restaurant depicts an image of what to expect once in the restaurant. In the restaurant, all guest tables are perfectly arranged awaiting the arrival of new clients. The service providers are neatly dressed, and from their looks, one can easily know they have a passion for their profession. Quality in any organization determines the success or failure of the organization (Jane, 2001). Glass Brasserie’s management has enhanced quality delivery of services. The services providers are quick to respond to any new client who comes in the restaurant door. A warm welcome, hand washing and passing of menu to the clients is a welcome gesture. Such a warm welcome makes the client feel appreciated for his/her visit despite the fact that they will pay for the services. In this case, Glass Brasserie has succeeded in aspects of welcoming their clients and making them feel appreciated. Upon the client settling, the service providers take time to display their different type of foods and beverages to clients, expecting the clients to choose what they would like to consume. In the event the menu does not have a food or beverage the client wants to consume, the service providers ensure they find a means to provide the client’s expectations. This once again is a gesture to show appreciation of the clients in their restaurant. The physical aspects of the restaurant in my view are perfectly developed and deployed within the entity. Despite the physical factors of this restaurant, the means of delivery are professional and unique. Service providers in this restaurant deliver client’s order in a stylish and fashionable manner. Professionalism and style-decency in food and beverages is an essential factor to please clients. The manner in which you serve clients determines the reputation of the restaurant to the public. In Glass Brasserie restaurant, the service providers are very innovative and passionate in their tasks. Delivery of cutlery to the clients is on a dish; the cutleries wrapped perfectly in serviettes. This type of delivery shows the level of neatness observed within the restaurant. Upon delivering the cutlery on the table, the service providers carry along the client’s order in a tray. It is common for any restaurant to pack their deliveries on trays, however, the manner in which the service providers at Glass Brasserie deliver makes the difference; their passion for the job makes it look unique. Looking around the restaurant, you can tell tha t the clients are enjoying their stay at the restaurant. This is because they have exposure to quality services of their expectation and to some, beyond their expectations. Once finished taking meals a client has an option to be entertained or leave for the guest room to have some rest. The guest rooms neatly arranged: the level of catering professionalism is of high quality. Each guest is served with all essentials such as towels, bathing soaps, tooth

Animal Cruelty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Animal Cruelty - Research Paper Example From the report it is clear that  animal issue is a very important issue as it contributes to the much needed development of medicines that save human life. But the same time the quality of life when it comes to the animals used in the experiments is adversely affected. The animals suffer prolonged pain, they are alienated from their natural ecosystems and therefore forced to lead normal lives. What this means is that animals’ rights are grossly violated when they are used   experimentally; they are separated from their natural ecosystems, denied their inherent rights such   as that to mate and chose mates as well as to choose what to eat and not. Many of the animals used in experiments end up losing their lives in the process. It raises an important issue i.e. if it is not right cause suffering for animals then animal experimentation results in moral problems that are serious.This essay highlights that  it is a very important global issue especially considering the ri se in terminal illnesses requiring new types of medication. Scientists and medics the world over are busy in search for medicines that can cure conditions such HIV AIDS, cancer, hepatitis B and many other deadly conditions that have no sure cure. This means a lot of research and experimentation is on-going globally and therefore use of animals for testing of drug efficacy. As for my audience the topic is particularly important as it involves important of morality and ethics in treating animals. Animals for instance have rights to live in their natural wild environments, reproduce and lead better lives.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Process Design Matrix Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Process Design Matrix - Coursework Example nsequently, this executive summary will be essential in advocating for varied aspects, which these firms entail to embrace in enhancing performance management for Engineering Support Service as well as Drive socket adapter. In improving the former, aspects that require consideration embrace product line, personal attention to approach and production line. Conversely, Drive socket adapter entail assembly line, batch as well as continuous flow approach. By considering these approaches, they will be of immense significance by firms in understanding, managing as well as enhancing respective process with ease. The focus of this aspect encompasses enhancing performance management, which implies addressing any issue that entail rectification and in regards to employees’ performances. Hence, rectify them in time to be at par with already set guidelines of policies devised to put the firm in an aggressive edge in the market. In realizing this, it encompasses upholding efficiency through employees’ praising and rewarding them based on their realizations. However, the measure of realizations entails effective strategies like each having a performance files (having at least 11-15 machine production lines), which will also be critical when considering their promotions. Mainly, this encompasses firms shunning the traditional fragmented processes that end up taking many resources that could have gone in other purposes. This is only realizable if firm have effective plan for each party besides considering the following, This is more of merging all operators’ intentions or goals towards enhancing quality of the aforementioned socket. Mainly, this is in such way the socket passes through respective assembly departments until the final one whereby afterwards inspection and shipping commences. Hence, ensuring the firm’s productions align with the management’s anticipated goals. Mainly, the appropriate approach encompasses employing â€Å"lean manufacturing process† whose

E-Business Report on HMV.CO.UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-Business Report on HMV.CO.UK - Essay Example "e-commerce is just, when all is said and done, another kind of business. As with businesses that have come before it, there are countless "right" answers, endless combinations of business models and infinite permutations of key themes and approaches. There will be no magic bullet. No matter how often consultants and academics pretend that business is more science than art, every practitioner knows that business is almost all art, just as the genius of nearly every corporate strategy lies in its implementation." (Rayport, 1999). Indeed, these are strong words that have to be taken seriously when it comes to doing business on the Web. The reason behind these truthful remarks lies in the fact that not long ago, shortly after the increasing popularity of the Internet as a new technology, the infamous "Dot-Com Bubble" made e-marketers think and act much more cautiously regarding the real potentialities of the new technology as a profit-making tool. Rayport states it as follows: "Business models themselves do not offer solutions; rather, how each business is run determines its success. So the success of e-commerce businesses will hinge largely on the art of management even as it is enabled by the science of technology. The scarce resource will be, as it is in practically all of business, the building block of free enterprise: entrepreneurial, and increasingly managerial, talent." (Rayport, 1999). The "Dot-Com Bubble" sprang out of Amazon's new concept of dintermediation that would eventually make successful any online enterprise by eliminating the middleman. (InternetNews.Com, 2001). The concept of reintermediation was not considered into the new marketing mix as InternetNews.Com states it clearly: "Disintermediation is not a myth, but it is just one half of a process that any significant change in technology brings about. The other half is reintermediation, the introduction and reshuffling of players in the supply chain. Access to suppliers and information resources has become easily available; expertise and service cannot be downloaded." (InternetNews.Com, 2001). In spite of the negative effects of the "Dot-Com Bubble", Teri Robinson (2002) finds some lasting benefits of the sudden crash in the e-market. In her article published in E-Commerce Times, Robinson interviewed AMR Research analyst Louis Columbus who emphasised that the concept of integration surfaced to centre stage as a result of the "Dot-Com Bubble". Columbus said that "enterprises found that to develop a comprehensive e-commerce strategy, their applications had to work together seamlessly." (Robinson, 2002). The concept of integration is fundamental for any e-business model in the widest meaning of the word. It means integration at all levels of business operations. On the other hand, Robinson finds other key indirect benefits that surfaced as a real issue as a result of the e-market crash known as the "Dot-Com Bubble": "Referring to the Internet as a once-in-a-generation

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Capstone experience Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Capstone experience - Coursework Example Moreover, the company had reserves of approximately 25.2 billion equivalent barrels of oil as of 2013 and, as of 2010, its production rates were expected to remain constant for at least fourteen more years (Coll, 2012). ExxonMobil operates in twenty-one countries with thirty-seven oil refineries across the world, which has seen the company achieve a combined refining capacity of 1 million m3 of oil every day making it the world’s largest oil refiner by capacity. Standard Oil, which was ExxonMobil’s precursor company, was also the world’s largest oil refiner between 1870 when it was incorporated and its change to ExxonMobil. As the largest of all super-majors in the oil industry, ExxonMobil has a daily production capacity of ~3.9 million equivalent barrels of oil, which makes up roughly 3% of the entire production of oil in the world (Coll, 2012). This means that, despite being the largest oil company in the world, it still lags behind various state-owned oil companies like ARAMCO and Rosneft. When ranking is done by gas and oil reserves combined, ExxonMobil ranks as the 14th biggest company in the world with less than 1% of all total reserves under its control (Coll, 2012). With regards to its marketing of oil and gas products, ExxonMobil uses the brands Esso, Mobil, and Exxon, while it also holds majority share in several smaller oil companies like SeaRiver Maritime that ships oil and gas and Canada’s Imperial Oil Limited. The company has more than 82,000 employees across the globe, of which 27,000 work in their upstream headquarters in Houston and a further 4,000 employees work in its downstre am headquarters in Fairfax (Coll, 2012). ExxonMobil’s global organizational structure is functional in nature. My career objective is to be a safety engineer at ExxonMobil upon my graduation later this year. One of the reasons why I am interested in this position is because it requires the engineer to work as part of a team that includes quality

Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Portfolio - Essay Example al environment and achieve the objectives of the organisation. To do everything possible to promote and improve organisational standards through adherence to defined standards of work. To continually expand my knowledge and skills through continuous professional development. To work with creativity and initiative, through team work and deliver my best with full readiness to adopt and learn new skills in any dynamic field. To utilise the knowledge and skills I have acquired to serve the organisation efficiently and dedicatedly. To learn new ideas, skills that will enable me to acquire expertise, while serving the organisation. To serve the society without discrimination and help each individual achieve their desired objectives in life. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: ********** ************ *********** *********** ************* *************** JOB EXPERIENCE ********* *********** Extracurricular Activities and Hobbies Watching documentaries Playing and watching football Travelling Participati ng in talks and debates Painting REFEREES: **** **** **** Discussion The C.V. contains a description of my personal, educational and professional life. The career aspirations and goals resonate with the skills disclosed in the skills audit section. The information contained in the C.V is very helpful as it can be used by a potential employer to assess my qualification, skills and capability. As such, the C.V. has been written coherently to reveal my strengths such that potential employers can understand why I could be the best candidate for a particular position, which I will be interested in. Therefore, this CV is designed to attract an employer’s attention by making it possible for them to assess my unique qualities in the shortest time possible. For that reason, the CV has started by highlighting what I can offer to the employer at the beginning. Ideally, my CV captures the following skills which were also the main components in the skills audit.1 My teamwork capability ha s been emphasised in the CV. As part of my career objectives, I have disclosed that I want to be a team player. This issue is fundamental considering that most of the organisational goals cannot be achieved without people working together as a group, and therefore any potential employer will be on the lookout for those potential employees who are driven by the spirit of teamwork. In my profile, I have mentioned that I am a strong communicator, a quality that resonates with written and verbal communication skills mentioned in the audit section. Certainly, any business activity involves communication and many employers are interested with employees who have strong verbal and written capability. Strong initiative and creativity is also empathised in my CV, because as explain in the skills audit, this skill will make employers to realise that I can add value in the companies because creativity will help solve problems and come up with new ways of doing things. This unique quality differ entiates me from a crowd of applicants. Also my strong computer qualifications as disclosed in the CV